Some Thoughts on the COVID-19 Pandemic

I found returning to this blog difficult for reasons that not only include adjusting to “shelter in place” realities but also because it is not easy to wrap my head around the enormity of our situation. Now that I had time to settle into the new normal (while growing my Continue Reading

Trump and Sanders: Populism and the Mobilization of Resentment

As the election of Trump and the rise of Bernie Sanders attests, Americans are living in populist times. But, what does ‘populism’ mean, and does it deserve its negative reputation? What are the sources of anger that Trump and Sanders tap into as populist candidates? Today, I delve into those Continue Reading

2020 Taylor Symposium: Inequality in Income, Education, and Health Care: Extent, Causes, and Consequences

While I polish off my next post on the effect of populism in the 2020 U.S. elections, please check out the link below for the 2020 Taylor Symposium. The event promises to have expert speakers on the very important topic of equity in income, education, and health care. 2020 Taylor Continue Reading